Inspector Q&A - Andy Carter

We shine a light on our brilliant inspectors and share their experiences as key workers across the globe

Andy Carter is a QA/QC CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding and Painting Inspector based in Liverpool, UK. He is the first NECIT inspector to take our rapid fire ‘Meet the Inspector’ Q&A.


1. How long have you been working as an inspector?

5+ years

2. What are your specialist skills and certifications?

  • CSWIP 3.2
  • BGAS-CSWIP Painting inspector Grade 2
  • NDT Rad Interp Level 2

3. What motivates you most about being an inspector and why?

The sheer variety of work and the quality control aspect of the job which makes such a difference.

4. What is the biggest challenge you’ve had as an inspector and why?

Dealing with non-compliant inspectors! Nightmare.

5. Explain in your own words why inspectors are so important in the world of engineering.

Inspectors are the last line in Quality Control. Simple as that.

6. What do you think makes a top quality inspector and why?

Aside from the right qualifications and experience, it’s all about impartiality and attention to detail for me.

7. What is the most interesting project you’ve been involved in with NECIT Services and why?

Definitely Subsea Valves.

8. What do you like about working with the NECIT Services team and why?

Just a friendly and helpful team all round.

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